Mr. Claytie Davis, Jr., Chair
Claytie Davis, Jr., Episcopal Supervisor of Missions for the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC), currently serving as President of the Council of Supervisors. Mr. Davis is the widow of the Rt. Reverend Sarah F. Davis, the former presiding prelate of the Sixteenth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Church. He is the exemplary father of two very successful sons, Dr. Claytie Davis, III (Yolanda) and Mr. Corey Barrington Davis. He has one granddaughter, Alexandra Morgan Davis.
This family man earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. During his college years he was drafted into the U.S. Army where he served two years in the Army Medical Corps. After completion of his tour of duty Claytie joined Southwestern Bell Corporation. During his 29 years of service with SBC, he worked in several levels of management and held assignments in Texas, Missouri, and New Jersey. At the time of his retirement, he was Director of Marketing-Data Products in San Antonio, Texas.
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Mr. Melvin L. Braziel
Melvin L. Braziel graduated from St. Mary’s University, San Antonio with a BBA degree in Accounting and a Master’s degree in Business administration. He received his certification as a Housing Manager from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials and Certified as a Public Housing Development Specialist from the University of Maryland.
Mr. Braziel has over 40 years of experience working in public housing. He consistently established himself as an exceptional administrator and sought-after resource in the public housing industry. He has served as Property Manager, Assistant Director of Housing Operations, Budget Officer, Special Assistant to the Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, and Senior Vice President for Administration.
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Madelyn Camile Johnson
Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to Him those He wanted, and they came to Him (Mark 3:13). The new call on my life to continue in His service in a different way began in 2000 when Dr. Sarah F. Davis, Pastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church of San Antonio, TX requested that I serve as her Executive Administrative Assistant. I continued to serve in this capacity with her elevation to the 126th Elected and Concentrated Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Our initial assignment was for four years in the 18th Episcopal District from 2004-2008 and then onto the 16th Episcopal District. This new assignment in service spanned from 2008-2013 (her Home-Going).
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Bishop Ivan Abrahams
Bishop Ivan Abrahams, newly-elected General Secretary of the World Methodist Council, just completed his tenure as Presiding Bishop and spiritual leader of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa providing prophetic leadership and direction and being instrumental in the formation and successful completion of multi-million dollar legacy project, the Seth Mokitimi Methodist Seminary. Bishop Abrahams has gained enormous experience in casting vision, providing spiritual and strategic leadership, developing policies and procedures in line with values, goals and the mission of the church to achieve its vision.
Part of Ivan’s activities as the Presiding Bishop of the people called Methodists in Southern Africa includes dealing with the challenges of HIV and AIDS, regular engagement with social partners such as government and the ecumenical family regarding issues such as crime, economic justice and service delivery.
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Dr. O. Raye Adkins
O. Raye Adkins is a retired elementary school principal who spends her time and energy on initiatives that positively impact the lives of others. Dr. Adkins served for thirty–two years in public schools as a teacher, administrator, elementary school principal and college professor.. She earned her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, and holds a Masters and a Bachelors of Art from University of Texas at San Antonio, and University of Incarnate Word, respectively. The University of Texas at San Antonio recognized her as a Principal of the Year prior to her retirement.
After retirement Raye worked as a national consultant and conducted workshops for persons and organizations working with children and adults living in poverty.. A business owner and author of articles and books. She authored Letters To My Father: The Gifts and a children's book, When The Deer Rings Your Doorbell.
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Rev. Dr. W. Raymond Bryant
Rev. Dr. W. Raymond Bryant has served 28 years as a pastor in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He has been at Bethel A.M.E. Church in San Antonio, Texas since November 2006.
Rev. Bryant is keenly interested in developing better schools for our children and believes we are past due for some major changes in the way education is delivered. “I am interested in building a strong community where the members are not afraid to step out of their doors and experience their community. Children are our future and we must show them we love them by providing a safe environment for them to grow, to learn, and to develop into the people God created them to be.”
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Rev. Dr. Claudette A. Copeland
Saved as a teenager, she has served the Lord in full-time ministry all her adult life. She was groomed and called to ministry in the Church of God in Christ in Buffalo, New York.
Pastor Claudette is a UConn alum, and she earned the Doctorate of Ministry from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio (Pastoral Counseling), as well as a Post Doctoral Certificate (Homiletics) at Oxford University, U.K.
Reverend Copeland lives and ministers by the power of the Holy Spirit! She has served in a variety of ministry settings including the Hospital Chaplaincy (A.C.P.E.) and the mission field (in Haiti, South Africa, Ghana, Liberia and Kenya). She also served as a visiting professor and mentor for Doctoral Studies at United Seminary.
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Dr. Claytie Davis, III
Claytie Davis, III is the Director of Training at the University of California, Berkeley, Counseling & Psychological Services, where he has worked since 1999. He received his Ph.D. in 1999, from the University of Texas - Austin. During his tenure at the University of California, Berkeley, Claytie has received several awards including the Excellence in Management Award (2012); the Outstanding Service to Diverse/Underserved Communities (2011); and the Outstanding Training Director Award (2009).
He serves on the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and was a founding editorial board member of the journal, Training and Education in Professional Psychology (TEPP; 2006-2013).
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Mr. Corey Barrington Davis
Corey Davis a Managing Director a SenaHill, a New York Based merchant bank focused on financial technology. He is a respected executive, strategic advisor and an investment banker who brings over 20 years of transaction experience, both in M&A and capital raising, exclusively focused on the financial services sector.
Throughout his career, he has advised on over $14 billion of M&A and capital raising transactions for his clients. After having worked at several bulge bracket firms, Corey founded Barrington Capital Advisors, LLC, a research and advisory practice where he advised financial institutions, hedge funds and other small to medium sized businesses. Previously, he was a Vice President of both Business Development and Institutional Sales at The Receivables Exchange, a Bain Capital Ventures backed company.
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Rev Kimberly L Detherage Esq.
Reverend Kimberly L. Detherage, Esq. was born in Louisville, Kentucky, to Katherine and James M. Detherage. She grew up in Louisville, Kentucky with her two brothers, James M. Detherage, Jr., and Kevin J. Detherage. Rev. Kim grew up in a close knit and extended family where she was affirmed and taught that she could be whatever she wanted to be. At a young age after witnessing injustices Rev. Kim decided that her life would be devoted to law and helping people.—changing the world…. At the age of 10, Rev. Kim accepted Jesus Christ into her life.
Rev. Kim answered her call to ministry at Bridge Street A.W.M.E. Church, Brooklyn, New York. While at Bridge Street AWME Church, Rev. Kim served as Minister to Young Adults from 1991 to 1994 under the direction of Rev. Fred Lucas, and Minister to Youth from 1997 until her appointment as Pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church, Arverne, NY in 2004. She was a member of the Board of Trustees for Bridge Street Preparatory School, Founder and Mentor of the Female Rites of Passage, Facilitator for the Richard Allen Youth Council, Member of the Bridge Street Legal Society and Women in Ministry, Brooklyn-Westchester District.
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Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry
The Right Reverend Carolyn Tyler Guidry
122nd Elected and Consecrated Bishop
African Methodist Episcopal Church - Retired
Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry was ordained an Itinerant Elder in the AME Church in 1977 and served as a pastor from 1977-1994. She was appointed by Bishop Vinton R. Anderson as the first female Presiding Elder in the Fifth Episcopal District in 1994; and was the second female elected to the Episcopacy in 2004. She served as the Presiding Prelate in the 16th Episcopal District (the Caribbean and Europe, South America) 2004 -2008, and the 8th Episcopal District (Mississippi and Louisiana) 2008-2012. She retired in 2012.
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Rev. Connie J. Jackson
The Rev. Connie Jackson or “Rev. CJ” as she is affectionately called is a global ministry leader and prolific communicator of the Gospel. As an ordained minister and former elected official, Jackson has lectured and preached for diverse audiences throughout North America, Europe, and Africa. Her transformative oratory has granted her audiences with Fortune 500 companies and academic and religious institutions for conferences, revivals and community development consultation.
Rev. CJ is a trailblazer among women in the political arena. Mentored by the late U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, Jackson followed Jordan’s passion for public service by dedicating herself to government service for two decades. She holds the distinction of being the first African American woman elected to a city council position in the 153-year history of Galveston County when she was elected to the City Council of Texas City, Texas in May 1992.
She served five terms in that capacity. Jackson also served as district chief of staff for the Dean of the Texas Senate and Primary Elections Administrator for the Texas Democratic Party.
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Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie
Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie serves as the 117th elected and consecrated bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. Her historic election in the year 2000 represents the first time in the over 200-year history of the AME Church, a woman had obtained the level of Episcopal office. The firsts continue as she served as the President of the Council of Bishops, Chair of the General Conference Commission and was the Host Bishop for the 49th Session of the General Conference of the AME Church in June 2012 with more than 30,000 in attendance.
Currently, she is honored to serve as the presiding prelate of the 10th Episcopal District, which is the entire state of Texas. Bishop McKenzie serves as the Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of Paul Quinn College. She is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
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Carol T. Taylor Mitchell, Ph.D.
Dr. Mitchell, twin sister of the Right Reverend Sarah F. Davis, is a member of the Morning Star Baptist Church in Omaha, Nebraska where she serves as the Christian Education director.
At the State level she serves the New Era Baptist State Convention of Nebraska, Inc, as President of the Woman’s Auxiliary, and an instructor in the State Congress.
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Ms. Cynthia Mullen Stewart
Cynthia Stewart is a Jackson, Mississippi native. She received her undergraduate degree, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and received her Master of Science in nursing degree from Duke University. Cynthia was employed by MD Anderson Cancer Center for 35 years in various capacities in the Divisions of Nursing and Cancer Medicine. In February of 2012, she retired from her position as Clinical Administrative Director of both the Clinical and Translational Research Center and the Integrative Medicine Center at the Anderson.
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Dr. Dorothy Jackson Young
Dr. Dorothy Jackson Young was born in Atlanta, Georgia but was reared and educated in Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to being the supportive and devoted wife of McKinley Young, the 109th Bishop in the history of African Methodism, she is the caring and devoted mother of four beautiful daughters. Karyn Young-Lowe, a Social Worker, lives in Alta Loma, California with her husband Ron, and Bishop and Mrs. Young’s granddaughters, Jennifer Renee, a freshman at Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia and Jessica Christine. Deana Young-McAllister is the Supervisor of Human Resources, Instructional Staff – Leon County Schools. She lives with her husband, The Reverend Dr. Julius McAllister, Jr., and their sons Julius III, Colin and Dylan in Tallahassee, Florida. Andrea Young Jones is an Executive Staff Analyst with the Mayor’s Office, she and her husband Roddy and sons Peyton and Noah live and work in Houston, Texas. Stephanie Lynn is the Associate Communications Director for the White House.
Dr. Young is a graduate of Beth Israel Hospital School of Nursing in Boston. Mrs. Young worked for twenty-six years as a Registered Professional Nurse in Massachusetts, Illinois and Georgia and has worked actively in organizations and projects that support global health and the eradication of worldwide hunger. Dorothy Young has served the African Methodist Episcopal Church faithfully and creatively through the Women’s Missionary Society.